Values in the graph above correspond to mean annual air temperature in the Czech Republic between 1775 and 2020. Years with overall highest and lowest value are highlighted. Rapid warming can be seen since the 1980s. The year 2018 has so far been the absolute warmest. Out of the ten warmest years, only one is prior to the year 2000 (the year 1994) and the five warmest years were all observed since 2014. The smaller graph in bottom right shows mean values for the individual decades between 1780 and 2020. The values above the X-axis of the main graph show the change from the last decade in °C. Above the main graph differences between the mean temperature of various periods compared to the normal 1991-2020 are shown. One can see that while no significant long-term trend was observed in the 19th century, there is a gradual increase in air temperature in the 20th century and towards the end of the century and in the 21st century, this increase is much more pronounced.
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