The main graph shows the total annual precipitation amount in the Czech Republic in the period from 1803 to 2020. Years with the highest and the lowest total are highlighted. The smaller graph on the right shows the average annual precipitation amount for the individual decades from 1811-1820 to 2011-2020.
The main graph shows the total annual precipitation amount in the Czech Republic in the period from 1803 to 2020. Years with the highest and the lowest total are highlighted. The smaller graph on the right shows the average annual precipitation amount for the individual decades from 1811-1820 to 2011-2020. Graphs show that the average annual precipitation does not show any long-term statistically significant trend. Some significant trends are observed in the short-term - sometimes an increasing, sometimes a decreasing trend, however overall the precipitation total does not change significantly.
This, however, does not mean there are no long-term changes in precipitation. The total amount does not provide any information about the precipitation distribution throughout the year, for example, whether there were a few intense rain episodes or many days with lower precipitation amounts.
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