mean absolute min. and max. air temp. in winter in the Czech Republic
Main chart shows the absolute highest and absolute lowest air temperature measured in the individual winters (3-month period from Dec to Feb).
The actual value represents an average of these max and min values from all the stations in the Czech Republic. Dashed lines show the average
values for the particular decades. The grey line in the main chart shows the overall mean air temperature of the individual winters. The difference
between the maximum and minimum is shown in the chart in the top right corner, including averages for the decades. Decade values are also given
in the chart in the bottom right corner.
While in the period from 1960/61 to 1969/70, the average absolute lowest temperature in the winter was almost -20 °C, in the last assessed decade of
2010/11 to 2019/20, it was almost 5 °C higher, approximately -15 °C. The overall winter mean temperature increased by more than 2.5 °C from -2.7 °C
(1960/61 to 1969/70) to 0.0 °C (2010/11 to 2019/20).
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