1961–2020, Czech Republic
The main bar chart shows the course of mean air temperature for the period from 1961 to 2020 in the Czech Republic as a whole (red) and for only the forested areas of the Czech Republic (green). Dashed line represents the mean value for the particular decade and region. This value is also indicated next to the dashed line. Also, the differences from the previous decade mean are shown.
The chart on the right shows decade means of measured values (1961-2020) as well as model forecasts of the future in 20-year steps (2021-2100). These forecasts are based on the so-called RCP4.5 scenario, the “middle scenario”, which expects the greenhouse gas emissions to peak around the year 2040 and then slowly decline. This scenario is considered by the IPCC as the most likely one. Both charts clearly show gradual warming, which accelerated in the last decade. This rapid increase is likely to continue for at least the upcoming 20 years. After the year 2041, the temperature is still expected to rise, but at a slower pace.
Both charts also show that the mean air temperature of forested areas is approximately 0.2 to 0.3 °C lower than the average for the Czech Republic as a whole. This difference can be seen in both measured values as well as the model forecasts and no change is expected in this respect.
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