Deviation from 1961–1990 average, Czech Republic
Circular diagrams above represent mean annual and monthly air temperature deviations from annual and monthly average in the period 1961-1990. Dark red indicates significantly above-average temperature, dark blue shows below-average values. Annual mean is represented by the color of the circle center, monthly means are represented by the wedge-like sectors as shown in the legend on the right. The color legend is shown separately for monthly and annual means – the deviations are higher in case of the monthly means.
Absolutely coldest was the year 1829 (mean: 4.4°C, deviation: -2.9°C), warmest being the year 2018 (mean: 10.0°C, deviation +2.7°C). Coldest month in terms of absolute values was December 1788 (-12.7°C), while the warmest was August 1807 (+21.6°C). Month with highest negative deviation is December 1788 (mean: -12.7°C, deviation: -11.6°C). In contrast, highest positive deviation was observed in January 2007 (mean: +3.2°C, deviation: +6.1°C).
It is also interesting to note that in each year there was at least one above-average month, however, in some years, there was no month with below-average monthly mean (2015 and 1934). Five warmest and coldest years are 2018, 2019, 2015, 2014 and 2020, and 1829, 1789, 1799, 1785 and 1805, respectively.
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