The individual points in the scatter-plot above represent individual years in the period between 1803 and 2020. The X-axis represents the mean annual air temperature, while the Y-axis represents the annual precipitation sum.
The individual points in the scatter-plot above represent individual years in the period between 1803 and 2020. The X-axis represents the mean annual air temperature, while the Y-axis represents the annual precipitation sum. Colors distinguish various time periods. Years which are in some way extreme or interesting are labelled. From the plot it is apparent that the year 2018 has been the warmest year on record, coldest being the year 1829. Years 2002 and 2010 were the most wet years in the last three decades, in contrast the driest were years 2015 and 2003. The second warmest year was 2019. The year 2020 was specific in that the mean air temperature was well above-average as well as the precipitation sum. This well illustrates the fact that a warm year does not necessarily mean a dry year and vice versa (as illustrated for example by the cold and dry year of 1858).
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