The columns in the column chart above represent deviation of annual mean temperature for a particular year from the 1961-1990 normal.
The columns in the column chart above represent deviation of annual mean temperature for a particular year from the 1961-1990 normal. The line shows 10- year smoothened values of the deviation for the entire period of analysis. Years with highest positive and negative deviations are highlighted and these are also shown in the table on the right. Pie chart in the bottom right corner shows the number of years with negative deviation (blue) and number of years with positive deviation (red) over the entire period of analysis, with the exception of the 1961-1990 period, from which the reference value is calculated. Approximately two thirds of the years were below-average compared to the 1961-1990 average. However, in the last 3 decades 1991-2020, only two years were not above-average. Deviation of the average from particular period averages is shown below the main chart.
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