Difference between mean temperature of the 1991–2020 period and the 220-year mean 1801–2020 for the individual months, seasons and whole year.
Charts in the upper row show the difference between 1991-2020 mean air temperature and 220-year mean 1801-2020 for the individual months, seasons and the year as a whole. The most above-average month from the long-term mean is January (+1.9°C) while the smallest difference can be seen for September (+0.7°C). In case of the seasons, the temperature increased the most in the summer, least in the autumn. The 30-year period 1991-2020 was overall 1.5°C warmer than the mean for 1801-2020. The three charts in the bottom row depict the number of above- and below-average years in the period 1991-2020 compared to various periods for the individual months. One can see that for example 27 (90%) Augusts out of the 30 in the last three decades were warmer than the mean August air temperature in the previous three decades.
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