Main bar chart shows the course of mean annual precipitation amount for the period from 1961 to 2020. Two data sets are shown – one for the Czech Republic as a whole (red) and one for only the forested areas in the Czech Republic (green). Dashed line shows the mean value for the particular decade.
The chart on the right only shows the decade means (1961-2020), but in this case also model forecasts for the amount of precipitation expected in the future in 20-year intervals and period from 2021 to 2100. These forecasts are based on the so-called RCP4.5 scenario, the “middle scenario”, which expects the greenhouse gas emissions to peak around the year 2040 and then slowly decline. This scenario is considered by the IPCC as the most likely one.
As can be seen, the amount of precipitation in forests is higher than the overall mean. This holds both for the measured data (1961-2020) and for the expected future trend. No significant change is expected to occur with regard to the difference between annual precipitation in the Czech Republic as a whole and only forested areas. In case of the measured values, the difference between decade means ranges from 19 to 24 mm, in case of the three future 20-year periods, this difference ranges from 24 to 26 mm.
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